Thursday, August 6, 2009

It Is Time To Re-Evaluate the Systems.

Sometimes we forget

Get caught up in the words

And stop ourselves from allowing us to see the commonality in our goals

And other times we stop ourselves

From voicing our opinion

And standing up for what pulls at our hearts

And for others, what just makes sense

In those times that we stray from the path

We somehow are reminded

Before we get lost

That while we are here

Our present does not guarantee our future

In fact it threatens it

So dive into the cliché

Of living life for today in mind of tomorrow

Knowing that the latter is affected by the first

We are not promised anything

Nor are we owed anything

Therefore function in a way that will benefit the people

And that will leave none stuck under your thumb

Function in a way that will respect the ideas of the free thinkers

In order to encourage others to think freely without the fear of

Persecution or condemnation

And finally always remember that

We will continue to function in the ways that we do

Until we question why we do…

And in that dialogue…in those questions

We will begin our journey to Freedom♥.

1 comment:

Mateo Regueiro said...

I can't wait til you get back.