Saturday, January 9, 2010

Life as the Status Quo

Is it insane to introduce the thought that maybe peace, equality, and harmony make up the status quo of existence and all else that undermines these basic elements are abnormalities? Right now it is just a question upon which I have not yet meditated enough to develop an argument but it just seems right, somewhere deeper than the aspects of myself of which I am currently conscious, it just seems right.

If it is not right I am not sure if I can go another day. Life has to be more than just struggle. Success has to be something that is achievable today. I don’t know home much longer I can go running on the treadmill of resistance in the pursuit of a brighter, freer future. I’ve been running for a long time now and am getting sick of staring at the same four walls.

This week I got off the treadmill, walked outside and saw the world with fresh eyes. I saw growing trees, blossoming flowers, and beautiful skies. I heard birds singing, children laughing, and music celebrating the eve of a new year. These aspects of existence do not make sense in a paradigm of resistance, but they do make sense in a paradigm of life.

Life is around us, above us, below us, and within us. Within each breath, each organ, each cell, there is life. On every mountain and in every desert there is life—life as energy; life as goodness; life in harmony. A paradigm of struggle cannot contain the truth that life is the status quo of existence.



Mikael said...

I think it would be viewed as "insane", but what is "insane" is often what is right.

I think your question reminds me of the question "are we meant to live or simply survive?" To simply survive is to pursue through a life full of day to day struggle, but to live seems to step outside of that world of struggle into what is, or at least should be, the status quo.

I think and hope it is possible to return to the status quo, even if now, only in glimpses when we "step off of the treadmill".

Perhaps though, that is the problem. We are running on treadmills, premade technological devices created for revolutionaries to run endlessly on, rather than stepping off of the treadmill and walking forward into the life that we so call the status quo.

What the hell that means, I have no idea.

I guess that is what is so great about a mind though. We can always invent, create, reinvent and recreate ways of doing things. Perhaps, we just haven't created a way to successfully get off of our treadmills without stepping onto a new and seemingly endless treadmill again-if that makes any sense at all.

Abbie said...

sweet goodness, yes. that is exactly it . . . peace, equality, etc are the normal, the nuetral, the way things are supposed to be. this frustrating life of resistance and anger only makes sense because the world isnt as it should be - abnormalities is the perfect word. the good things in life are not supposed to have to be painful, or something.

this fight, fight, fighting isn't the way to beauty . . . its just a means to keep from going insane from all the abnormalities.

at some point you have to let go and remember what you are fighting for and if there is no beauty there in the real world, its sort of all worthless.

the whole bit about oppression is it kills that which would live . . . so living, really living has to be part of love and resistance and peace, etc. maybe. its the whole thing of being FOR something.

jner said...

one word: great

Thanks Matt!